Received commendation from the president of the Korean Patent Association in Korea Invention Patent Competition2021
Awarded by the Minister of Science and ICT2021
VIEWON, Selected as 2021's Excellent Venture Company in job creating by Venture Business Association2021
VIEWON, Selected as 2021's Excellent Venture Company in sustaining growth by Venture Business Association2021
VIEWON, Selected as 2021's Excellent Venture Company in R&D by Venture Business Association two years in a row2021
VIEWON's 'POLUS' was awarded the grand prize at 2021 KMVIA Awards2020
Awarded Korea Engineer Award2020
Awarded the presidential commendation for Technology Innovation Competition for Small and Medium Businesses2020
VIEWON, Selected as 2020's Excellent Venture Company in R&D by Venture Business Association2020
VIEWON Co., Ltd. - Received Vision Systems Design 2020 Innovators Awards2019
Received the Gyeonggi Governor's Award for Venture Industry Development2019
Received a prize from the Minister of Science and ICT for "ICT Innovation Awards"